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Affichage des articles du février, 2023

Japanese Curry

Those little boxes of Golden Curry got expensive so I learned to make it from scratch. I also make my own curry powder to accommodate young children who don't like spicy. Curry roux: 6 Tbsp butter 1/2 cup flour 2 Tbsp curry powder Cook and remove to a bowl. Saute: Onion 1 tsp ginger 4 cloves garlic Add: Carrots Potatoes Chicken 6 cups chicken broth Cook until everything is done. To finish: Add the curry roux back in. Add 6 Tbsp soy sauce Check salt and serve over calrose or Japanese rice. Mild curry powder: 2 Tbsp coriander 2 Tbsp cumin 1 1/2 Tbsp turmeric 2 tsp ginger 1 tsp mustard 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp cardamom 

Clam Chowder

I have this recipe memorized, but one day when I'm old and forgetful and lose my recipe book, it will be handy to have it here too. I used to use bacon, but now I use ham because it's cheaper. If you use bacon, cook it in the pot first thing and keep the grease to saute the onions. Dice and saute one onion. Add several diced potatoes and the juice from two 5 oz cans of chopped clams. Add water until the potatoes are all submerged and cook. Meanwhile, melt 3/4 cup butter in a saucepan and stir in 3/4 cup flour to make a roux. When that's cooked, whisk in three cups of milk and one cup of heavy cream. This is the same as four cups of half and half. Stir until thickened. When the potatoes are tender, turn off the heat and add the thickened milk mixture, the clams from the two cans, and either four slices of cooked bacon or an equivalent amount of ham. Add salt until it tastes good.

Fish Rice

This is a fast and easy meal.  Combine the following: 2 5-oz cans of salmon, drained 2 Tbsp mayonnaise 2 Tbsp soy sauce Serve with: Calrose or Japanese rice Small diced cucumber Avocado slices Toasted sesame seeds Pickled ginger